New to the Coop


In the Brooder
May 26, 2020
Hello from Virginia!

While I am new to owning chickens, I have been around them before as my mom raised and hatched her own chickens for several years. We got our first five chicks (unsexed) around 8 weeks ago. We felt like dipping our toes into the sand before our larger (15 chick - all female) order came in late April. We were sent 19 chicks, so we now have 24 total. Our 5 older ones are now in their coop and our 19 others are still being kept in our garage until we finish the second "mini" coop. We still aren't positive on the sexes of the five older chicks, but we're pretty confident that two of them are definitely hens based off of their appearance and behavior. The other three are up for debate as their combs and waddles are on the larger size. One of them crowed right in front of us the other day, so we are definitely thinking that little Jerry is a cockerel. His buddy, George is very similar in appearance so there is suspicion that he is one as well, but only time will tell. They came from a local farm who have Red Sex Links (hens) and a "random black rooster". The other nineteen chicks should all be pullets as they came ordered that way. We aren't sure of the breeds yet. I might post about that later on though!

We've been talking about getting chickens for quite some time now and are thrilled to have these ladies (and gents) in our lives. We love that we have control over the quality of our eggs and hope to sell locally to offset the cost of raising them a little. I actually only intended to get about 8-10 chickens and somehow we managed to get 24. (ha!) We are still finishing their coop. The main building is complete with the exception of nesting boxes and and we're working on the run now. The project has been quite a learning experience and a good one!

I recently started up my vegetable garden again after we built some raised boxes. I still have a lot of seedlings coming up as I struggled a lot in the beginning since it's been several years since I last had a garden. We also just put in a large flower bed in the front of the house, which is still underway. It won't be much this year, but next year it will be gorgeous as I'm planting all perennials. (Low maintenance!)

We are a household of three - myself, my 12 year old daughter, and my incredible boyfriend. We have 2 dogs and 2 cats. The cats (remarkably) could care less about the chickens. Our small dog is blind and older so he barely knows they exist. Our larger, more energetic dog is about as curious as they come and we're still waiting to see how he'll be when they're actually out and free ranging (many many months from now).

Oh! And my mom was (and probably still is) a member of the BYC board which is how I found out about the site. :) Looking forward to learning as we go!

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