New to the Coop


Feb 4, 2023
Hi All.
I have had a free-range flock of several breeds, including Buff Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex, Barnevelders, Barrd Rocks, California Whites, and Red Sex links. I grew up with a flock of less-than-affectionate Leghorns, but they taught me so much.

My daughter and I live in a city that is not very close to my family's farm, so we decided to raise a little flock in our backyard. I've never kept chickens in a permanent run, as required by our city. I am building a portable coop and run so we can move our girls around our spacious yard. I just wish we could allow them to roam our property.

I look forward to reading all about everyone's chicken journeys! I work at a farm supply store and coop-talk is my favorite part of any shift.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens. This is a great place explore and hang out.
Very good idea ! I have tractor for our banty.


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Hi All.
I have had a free-range flock of several breeds, including Buff Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex, Barnevelders, Barrd Rocks, California Whites, and Red Sex links. I grew up with a flock of less-than-affectionate Leghorns, but they taught me so much.

My daughter and I live in a city that is not very close to my family's farm, so we decided to raise a little flock in our backyard. I've never kept chickens in a permanent run, as required by our city. I am building a portable coop and run so we can move our girls around our spacious yard. I just wish we could allow them to roam our property.

I look forward to reading all about everyone's chicken journeys! I work at a farm supply store and coop-talk is my favorite part of any shift.
Loved my leghorns!! They were my most affectionate. WELCOME! The one with a comb peeking out was one that wanted to be near me always. Had to take her to her bed she would try and sleep by the back door. ❤
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