New to the coop


6 Years
Oct 11, 2013
Luna, La (West Monroe)
Been reading for a month or so and have been learning a lot. Not much on the computer so please be patient with me. My main concern right now is that it is raining and in the 30's and my chickens insist on staying outside. I'm a little worried about them. Should I keep them in the coop during the really bad weather or not to worry.
As a matter of fact I just helped a friend tear down an old barn and he gave me the tin off the roof. I plan to put it on when the weather is better and I can get some help, (very long tin). I considered a tarp but think the wind will tear it up.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2 covering the run is a good step. My birds are often outside in the bad weather also, as long as they can get in a coop or a dry sheltered area when they want, they don't seem to have problems. Do be sure there is enough room for all of them inside and that a bully or two isn't kicking some of them outside.
Welcome to BYC. The tin roof is a great idea. Most chickens have enough natural oils to not get soaked (silkies and frizzles the exception), but if you are concerned - keep them penned up when it is raining.
If it continues to rain for a while each day, then you may consider covering your coop. If it only rains for a little bit each day, they should be fine.
Thanks to all. I managed to get tin over half the run yesterday. The girls went into full panic with that move but maybe they will be better with it today. I'll put a little extra scratch under it. Thanks again for the info.

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