New to the flock---from Washington--need suggestions for eye pecking...

Thanks, everyone for the welcomes and the suggestions! We do have a red light. And we increased the brooder size today, but that didn't seem to help. I sent the kids on a hunt for shiny things all around the house today and we have come up with many tin lids, trays, foil...even a spoon! It looks goofy, but it seems to have helped! We have also added some sticks from the yard in a criss-crossy pattern and they are roosting on those....seems to be getting the eyes out of "range"
So all those things are helping the offensive barred rock eye-pecker "Lucille" to knock it off!
Seems to be far fewer squawks coming from the I think success (at least for tonight)...but it did take all day to get it sorted out. Here's to a good nights' sleep!
Thanks again-
Carrie and Co.

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