New to the Group

Rosalind Deets

In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2017
Hi everyone! I found myself in a situation recently. My Son, the main person caring for the chickens, job is going to be taking up more time than he cares for at the moment. I have decided that for me to take over, I want to build a chicken coop to surprise him and assure myself that I can take on this task and succeed. Does anyone have any ideas you can share with me. I know that I want one with a lifted box for their laying, I want a run, and I want the open space below the box to have sand for them to take their baths. Later, I want to also add a way to feed and water them without having to always go in the pen. Not that I mind, but sometimes sending my Grandson to do a task inside the chickens pen gets him confused on this task by the time he gets in with them. :) I am a Mom of one wonderful Son, Rick. He is actually a member! I helped him one year to take photos of our chickens to submit to your page. We do love our chickens. I do love the idea of the plan having their ramp walkway go up into their nesting/bedding spots. Easy to clean once the chickens go out to eat in the morning.

A little about myself...I am a seasoned educational leader and educator, I have spent eight years plus in college I decided to delve into at the age of 30. I love my farm! My Husband passed away and didn't share the same love for the country I did. We never had a functioning farm until now. I don't even care about the eggs I sell. I just love my farm!! :) If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I would truly appreciate it.
Hi & welcome :frow
There is a wealth of information on this site. But be careful, it is addictive if you like to learn!
There are answers to all of your questions in archive as well as almost instant responses for critical situations when time is of the essence.
Welcome to the super highway of poultry 411! Enjoy.
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Thank you so much everyone for the warm welcome. I understand the addictive part to this wonderful hobby and love! Our chickens are very important to us and their happiness even more important. We live in NWPA so the winters can be grueling. Living not too far from the snow belt lends itself to some very cold and snowy winters here. I hope to be able to look around the site today to get some ideas. Thanks again everyone for welcoming a novice. I hope to learn a great deal and share my projects you all help me to complete. Thanks again. :)
I am so happy you have joined us :welcome I am in Mossyrock Washington state we have a plethora of information in our pages maybe we could start with your local while others join in

Thank you so much for taking time to say hi to a newbie. Do you have issues with the weather in your state? I think that is the main aspect on my mind as I begin plans to build my coop. I want my chickens to be cozy and happy. :) Wow you do have a plethora of animals. :) We have one male pig and two mommy pigs with six almost grown babies from this summer. They are my next challenge. But the chickens first. :) We have 3 dogs, 4 cats, 9 pigs, and 15 chickens including the rooster. :) Inside, we have three birds, a turtle, and two small dogs. Gotta love our animals. :) Have a super day today. Thank you again for taking time out of your day to send a shout out. Greatly appreciated.
Hi and welcome to BYC :frow There are so many ideas and options its mind boggling. Spend some time looking at these threads to hone your thoughts and then dive in. Again, welcome and we're glad you joined us.:ya

Wow!! Thank you for making it easy on this newbie by providing me with a link connecting me with some wonderful resources. I am scared and excited all rolled up. I want this to be a nice surprise for my already overwhelmed Son and let him know that Mom has this project just fine. I was going to surprise him but the tarps I would need to use to cover could be quite costly if my ideas I plan on using end up being the one I actually use. I can't wait to delve into the reading materials. Thank you so much again for taking a small part of your day to respond to my message. I feel very welcomed already and it is only my second day. Enjoy your day!! :)
The Learning center is the best place to start or refresh a chicken education. You may also like to visit the coops section or ideas, plans, etc. Welcome to Backyard chickens :frow

Thank you so much!! I am excited to dive right into as quick as possible. Especially since it appears as if winter will be visiting a lot sooner in my neck of the woods in PA. We are experiencing very low to normal temperatures. That is usually the first sign it is time to start rolling up the carpets so to speak and start ensuring everything is hunkered down for what might be one of the worst winters we have had in a while. God can only tell. I hope to have the chickens in their new home in at least a month. Fingers crossed it works well for them. :) Thank you again for taking a part of your day to welcome me to the group. It means a lot. Especially as nervous as I am not having any building experience in actually focusing on a building project that will turn out better than I had hoped. Thank you again. :)

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