New To this Whole Experience

It helps that you always leave a trail of bread crumbs to lead the way, Ralphie ------ and welcome @Sparkle Chick !

To answer your questions, "bumping" means to post in a thread just to move it up to the top of the list of threads on the home page. While you do want to respond to threads that interest you or when you have information that might be helpful to the original poster, it's considered a no-no just to find or start a thread then keep posting "fluff" stuff to keep it at the forefront of postings. Also, when I first joined BYC I had a bad habit of finding a thread, responding to it, and realizing only later that it was started in 2011 and was no longer relevant. <sigh> I don't worry too much about it if it's a thread that has really good information on it, but I was finding threads where someone posted that their chicken was doing something odd, I responded, and then found out later that the chicken died years ago and/or the original poster was no longer even a member. Fortunately nobody comes and strips your membership, but it is a little embarrassing to post a long-winded response and have someone come back and say "That post is 10 years old and nobody cares anymore!"
That being said, there are times when I've done a search for a particular problem or issue and found an old thread that touched upon it, such as when one of my chicks got severe frostbite on his little feet and I needed help. I had no problem resurrecting that old thread with my question with the hope that someone has some updated information, but for the most part it's always better to simply start a new thread. And now that I think back on it, I never did get a response when I used that old thread, but lots of help when I started a new one. But that is totally different than bumping a thread to keep it up front.

As for animal rights, that can become a heated thread that quickly becomes uncivil and our mods have to waste time cleaning it up or reprimanding folks. It's such a controversial topic, especially here where some of us process our chickens and others of us take great offense to that. The vast majority of us accept that not everyone is able to eat the chickens they raise, and that's just fine as long as nobody gets out of hand with their thoughts. In other words, in a thread about using chickens for meat, it's inappropriate to jump in and begin ranting at the how cruel everyone is....that's when things escalate. And the same is true in reverse, of course. Courtesy goes two ways. In a thread where the majority of the posters are totally anti-culling - even total vegans - it's just cold hearted to go in there and drop a bomb about how you butchered 10 chickens for the freezer. Most of it is just common sense and common courtesy.

Your particular situation is one that in my opinion you are just going to have to decide about. I'm not there, I can't make a judgement call. Is it really bad housing and management or just something you don't like and wouldn't do in your own coop? Some think that the way I raise my chickens is unhealthy, hating the deep litter method and the idea of me only cleaning once a year or so. They clean every week and think I'm being cruel to keep my chickens on the same flooring month after month. So you are the only one who can decide if authorities need to be called in or not, weighing the pros and cons. There's nothing we here can really do to help you - we don't have any special authority or anything and as I said, we aren't there. I got embroiled in a few of those discussions early on, backed out, and avoid them like the plague now.

Again, welcome to the flock!

Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone listened to me and tried harder to be like me?
Blooie- Thanks so much for the info! I really appreciate it! I'm much more clear on the issues now. I kinda thought that might be the answer about animal rights after thinking about it lol!

To answer your questions about the neglect, I bought some chickens through a popular classifieds website and I was sold 3 very sick young birds. They had bumble foot and coccidosis. They were so imaciated that they literally felt like a carcass with a pile of feathers on top. They also didn't have any down feathers to speak of. One has a bad case of twisted toe which we made custom orthotics for. I know this person is a breeder and sells a lot of poultry. I'm just really concerned about their health. I understand why you'd want to stay away from from this type of subject. That's one of the main reasons I was on the fence about creating a thread on the issue.

As for the new chicks, they're doing very well after the foot surgeries and meds.

Thanks again Blooie!
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We'd all be on an all expense paid trip to Australia, Ralphie!

I am still waiting on the paid trip, some web site people seem to think they did not offer me one, but we all know they did!!!

Blooie- Thanks so much for the info! I really appreciate it! I'm much more clear on the issues now. I kinda thought that might be the answer about animal rights after thinking about it lol!

To answer your questions about the neglect, I bought some chickens through a popular classifieds website and I was sold 3 very sick young birds. They had bumble foot and coccidosis. They were so imaciated that they literally felt like a carcass with a pile of feathers on top. They also didn't have any down feathers to speak of. One has a bad case of twisted toe which we made custom orthotics for. I know this person is a breeder and sells a lot of poultry. I'm just really concerned about their health. I understand why you'd want to stay away from from this type of subject. That's one of the main reasons I was on the fence about creating a thread on the issue.

As for the new chicks, they're doing very well after the foot surgeries and meds.

Thanks again Blooie!

I am confused. How old were these birds? I have never heard of chick with bumblefoot, but I am sure they can get it. if a chick hass bumblefoot and cocci, why would you take it home?

Cocci can come on quickly, and kill fast. Are you sure that is what you had? Pasty Butt seems more likely for a chick. This can be "fixed" with cleaning, oil and turning the heat down. (IMHO again).

I would be very careful accusing someone of abuse because of Cocci. Bumblefoot also happens to birds with no abuse. I know I have a turkey Tom that has a terrible pair of feet. I got them him from a place in the cities where he lived under a deck on 2 ft of mushy wet manure and straw for his whole life. I should have made a complaint but did not. I understand your quandary, whatever you decide good luck.
They're 2 & 1/2 months old. We didn't realize they were sick till the next day. The exchange happened pretty late so it was quite dim. The seller scooped up the ones we wanted and put them in a box. After a day, we noticed something was wrong and scheduled a vet appointment. After they were treated they're doing great and gaining weight.

I'm really glad we got to save them! I'm also glad for your input. I'm new to the chicken world (only a year in) and I just wasn't sure if a decision to report would be justified.
I'd never want to get anyone in trouble for things that could happen in any kind of condition.
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