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Aug 3, 2016
Hi, I have 3 chickens 2 have been laying eggs for a few weeks today the last one lay a egg in the run so I put it in the nester and the next thing I know the chicken came running out of the coop with the egg shall and they ate it I cleaned the yoke up in the nester. So my Q is should I worry about them eating the eggs now?
Hi and

Once chickens get a taste of eggs, they will often continue to eat eggs until the habit is broken. But, since you caught it early, you will have a much greater likelihood of stopping the behavior. First, you want to separate her from the flock because if she breaks more eggs the other hens will likely try to eat them as well and pick up the bad habit. Then, you can get some ideas on how to stop it from these articles.

Good luck and thanks for joining us!
Egg eating is a bad habit and is quickly picked up by the other hens. Are they just eating the shells or the contents as well? Do you give them layer feed plus crushed oyster shell - free choice. You can buy or build roll-away nest boxes where the eggs roll out of sight - that may help. You also need to pick up eggs early and often - so hens don't have time to mess with them.

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