New to turken chicken


May 11, 2020
Hi everyone, this is the first time I have a naked neck ( turken). I have no idea if this is a hen or a rooster. Can someone please help me identify it please.


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Pointed masculine feathering doesn't emerge for most cockerels until 12-14 weeks old. Give him a little more time!

As far as making hen noises, every chicken I've owned, male or female, makes similar noises when young, and my adult roosters cluck sometimes as well. :idunno I don't think you can really judge by vocalizations, unless a bird is crowing at this age in which case it's almost assuredly a rooster. (A lack of crowing does not necessarily mean they aren't a rooster, though! ;) )
Pointed masculine feathering doesn't emerge for most cockerels until 12-14 weeks old. Give him a little more time!

As far as making hen noises, every chicken I've owned, male or female, makes similar noises when young, and my adult roosters cluck sometimes as well. :idunno I don't think you can really judge by vocalizations, unless a bird is crowing at this age in which case it's almost assuredly a rooster. (A lack of crowing does not necessarily mean they aren't a rooster, though! ;) )
Thank you so much for your detail explanation, I will update in about 2-3 weeks. Because it seems like not a lot of people have a lot of information about this breed and I would love to help others understand them more. (especially sexing them) 😁
Thank you so much for your detail explanation, I will update in about 2-3 weeks. Because it seems like not a lot of people have a lot of information about this breed and I would love to help others understand them more. (especially sexing them) 😁

A lot of people don't find them very attractive, so they don't seem very popular, but there are some naked neck threads on the site. I love them, personally! I was finally able to get one this year after wanting them for a long time, a little bantam pullet just a few weeks older than your little guy. I don't have any very recent pictures of her, but this was her a few weeks ago. She has since grown in a large tail that makes her strongly resemble an Australian bush-turkey. 🤭

nn bantam.jpg

nn bantam close up.jpg
nn bantam curious.jpg

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