New to turkeys, sick baby, please help!


5 Years
Jan 12, 2018
I just went to big R (My local tractor store) And picked up 3 chicken chicks and one baby turkey (I'm so new to this I don't even know what to call them.) The baby turkey is a broad breasted white and he seemed good when I picked him out but looking at him closer the top of his beak was bleeding like it was pecked at, and just now when I put him in the brooder with the rest of my chicks he just immediately lay down and went to sleep, my other chicks started pecking at him and he didn't do anything he just laid there and let them peck him. I shooed them off and watched them for a few minutes and they left him alone so I left the room to do something else and he started chirping really loud and so I went and got him and held him and sat him on the ground and he will barely stand up. I have him in my sweatshirt now. Also, the chicks I had him in with were vaccinated for Marek's disease and as far as I know he is not, is that bad? Also, any other turkey tips would be great!
I have never kept turkeys, so I don't know what advice to give you. Do you have any Nutri-Drench? I would give him some of that ASAP.
As of right now do not put him back with the others, they could kill him if left alone.

I don't know how much these members know about turkeys, but we'll see if they can help:
@casportpony @Eggcessive
I have never kept turkeys, so I don't know what advice to give you. Do you have any Nutri-Drench? I would give him some of that ASAP.
As of right now do not put him back with the others, they could kill him if left alone.

I don't know how much these members know about turkeys, but we'll see if they can help:
@casportpony @Eggcessive

I do not have any nutri drench but I have vit-al which is what I give my chickens, I gave him some of that in his water and added some sugar and he drank a lot like he was very thirsty. I have not put him back in with the others I’ve been keeping him in my sweatshirt and a separate brooder. Every time I leave him in the brooder he starts chirping so loud I can hear him on the other side of my house so I’ve been carrying him around. Thank you
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Welcome to BYC! Can you post some pictures of your baby turkey (poult) and some pictures of it's poop?

I’m not new here! My post is a little misleading, I’m adding 3 new chicks and a turkey to my existing flock of 21 chickens :D Anyway here’s the pictures of my poult (thank you!)and his poop. he has perked up a little after I gave him some sugar water but he is still weak and upset. I don’t know why
His toes curled in the first picture, I know he doesn’t have curled toes i have had a chick with that, he also doesn’t have splayed legs. When he does walk he walks normal.
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Ok. First he NEEDS a friend or three. Turkey poults are hard to get grown sometimes without dying. It also is not wise to keep chickens and turkeys together because turkeys can get blackhead from chickens. Did you get this bird to eat or expect it to live a long life? Broad breasted turkeys live at most usually a few years. They grow fast and get huge breasts that affect their health... legs, lungs, heart.... they are not meant to keep long periods. They were made for meat nothing more.

Nutri drench is a good start for him. He will also need a higher protein feed for growing than the chickens do. Try putting a stuffed animal in the brooder with him until you can get a few friends for him. It may help the screamin...
I wil
Ok. First he NEEDS a friend or three. Turkey poults are hard to get grown sometimes without dying. It also is not wise to keep chickens and turkeys together because turkeys can get blackhead from chickens. Did you get this bird to eat or expect it to live a long life? Broad breasted turkeys live at most usually a few years. They grow fast and get huge breasts that affect their health... legs, lungs, heart.... they are not meant to keep long periods. They were made for meat nothing more.

Nutri drench is a good start for him. He will also need a higher protein feed for growing than the chickens do. Try putting a stuffed animal in the brooder with him until you can get a few friends for him. It may help the screamin...

Thank you, I will get him a friend as soon as I can. This is probably a stupid question, but what Is blackhead? I have heard of it but I've never dealt with it. I got him as a pet, I had no idea that broad breasted turkeys lived short lives, but I've already fallen in love with the little guy so I will just give him the best life I can even if its short. I do not have any nutri drench as my local farming supply store doesn't sell it but I do have vit-al which is a vitamin and electrolyte mix. I gave him that and some sugar in his water last night and he drank a ton of it, I think he was dehydrated when I got him. I figured out that he calms down when I play turkey sounds on my phone. Thanks for the help. :)

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