New Way to watch an Embryo Grow Try#5(Update Didnt Make It ) Eggtopsy

Day 14: Embryo begins to turn head toward large end of egg; long bone ossification becomes rapid. Turning of egg no longer essential.

Day 14-
Day 15: Intestinal loops easily seen in yolk sac; contraction of amnion ceases.

Day 15-
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Hey, could I try this litte experiment with you? I'm sure I'm not as smart as you by far, but this sounds interesting and I want to become a scientit that works with gentic engeineering. And I need to test out my incubator, I fixed the thermostat, its a big incubator. I have to test the fertility of the eggs as well.

Just tell me what to do, and if u give me your email I'll send pictures of everything.

Sadly, I know naught of how to post pictures. I think it's the picturs. But whateva, I'm getting off topic...

So what type of container did you use for your experiments? I couldn't watch your videos coz my internet is slow...

If you don't wanna hear from me again, just ignore me... I'll understand. But I could probably get the Agriculture teacher at my school to loan me some supllies.

Hey, haveyou ever just cut a secrion of the eggshell off of a side and watched it devlop, and compare it to the other eggs? And what type of incubator do u have?
Hey, could I try this litte experiment with you? I'm sure I'm not as smart as you by far, but this sounds interesting and I want to become a scientit that works with gentic engeineering. And I need to test out my incubator, I fixed the thermostat, its a big incubator. I have to test the fertility of the eggs as well.

Just tell me what to do, and if u give me your email I'll send pictures of everything.

Sadly, I know naught of how to post pictures. I think it's the picturs. But whateva, I'm getting off topic...

So what type of container did you use for your experiments? I couldn't watch your videos coz my internet is slow...

If you don't wanna hear from me again, just ignore me... I'll understand. But I could probably get the Agriculture teacher at my school to loan me some supllies.

Hey, haveyou ever just cut a secrion of the eggshell off of a side and watched it devlop, and compare it to the other eggs? And what type of incubator do u have?
Hey, could I try this litte experiment with you? I'm sure I'm not as smart as you by far, but this sounds interesting and I want to become a scientit that works with gentic engeineering. And I need to test out my incubator, I fixed the thermostat, its a big incubator. I have to test the fertility of the eggs as well.

Just tell me what to do, and if u give me your email I'll send pictures of everything.

Sadly, I know naught of how to post pictures. I think it's the picturs. But whateva, I'm getting off topic...

So what type of container did you use for your experiments? I couldn't watch your videos coz my internet is slow...

If you don't wanna hear from me again, just ignore me... I'll understand. But I could probably get the Agriculture teacher at my school to loan me some supllies.

Hey, haveyou ever just cut a secrion of the eggshell off of a side and watched it devlop, and compare it to the other eggs? And what type of incubator do u have?

Can u tell if your chick is male or female?
Day 16: Beak, claws, and scales relatively cornified; albumen is practically gone and yolk increasingly important as food source; down feathers cover body; intestinal loops begin to retract into body.
Sure give it a shot, and I hope after high school to get into gentic engeineering.
My email is [email protected].

What I use is a butter container with Kordon breathing bag, it allow gas exchange but maintain moisture level and allows oxygen in, CO2 out.
I have tried cutting a part of the eggshell, but It only lasted a day.
I have a Full View Incubator W/Fan.
U can't tell by looking at it until after it hatches.
Thank You for the support.

Day 16-
Day 18 is coming very fast and my humidity been 0% for the last 16 days, when should I raise it and to what?

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