New Year Resolutions

1.) have a broody hatch her own chicks!!!
2.) Insulate (SOUNDPROOF) the coop! (One of my roosters is getting a bad habit of crowing the wee hours.

Our older flock doesn't have a single broody, but the newbies this year appears to have at least one!
One of our Javas went broody in 2009 (that's gonna take some time to get used to!
), but unfortunately it was in November...not exactly the warmest time. We gave her some eggs anyway since we couldn't break her as hard as we tried. Then we realized we needed to move her to the brooder coop and run. So, we moved her and her eggs...locked her in there with food and water until she settled down. Well, she settled down, but as soon as we opened it up, she wanted back in the old coop (wouldn't sit on her eggs anymore and several were developing well too.
). This year, we will put her in their first and once she stays there, we will give her eggs.

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