Newbie and perplexed


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2018
Hi folks! We are new to the chicken world, well actually for a year. We now have 16 chickens with 10 laying hens, no roosters. We live in the country and free range most of the day. Our question is why would our hens stop laying in their coop? We regularly change to the bedding as needed. They have plenty of fresh water and ample supply of food. Yesterday we found a nest in the bushes that we were weeding out. It doesn't make any sense to us! The coop is secure and they can come and go as they please after mid morning until sundown when they return to the coop for the night. Perplexed why this is happening.
Welcome to BYC and the world of chicken questions.

The Orpington could be hoarding the eggs in the bushes to try and hatch them. A lot of times other hens will add to the nest.

Definitely keep an eye on her. Do a bed check to make sure she comes in at night. If she’s trying to sit in the coop she could be trying to chase the other girls out. Have you even been screamed at by a broody? I wouldn’t want to mess with her! LOL
The broody could definitely be your culprit. However, in the interest of covering all the bases. What may be the perfect nest to you may not be ideal to a chicken. Lots of things go into the "perfect" nest, and "perfect" can change from hen to hen. From what I've seen, most want a safe, clean, dry and sometimes private location. Are the rest still laying in the provided nest or have they all abandoned? If most are still using it then I wouldn't worry much. If they all moved out I would closely inspect the nest and area for a cause such as mites, wetness or something else that changed.
I'm still pretty new at this myself, so I can only speak from personal experience, but I have found my girls do not like for me to mess too much with their nests. I had purchased a bunch of nesting material only to find out they don't like it changed out. :barnieSo now I only shake out the nest if it's gotten poop in it and only replace if it's gotten gross. Well, my idea of gross:p. The bedding on the hen house floor is a different story. They all come over and hop in and out of the hen house and share all the latest gossip with me while I clean up and put in fresh bedding. Boy the stories they tell:lau!
I used to allow my girls "free ranging" in my fenced yard but only AFTER they laid which was usually after lunch. Allowed only 6 at my residence I "limit" myself to 4 Orpingtons. When the one neighbors dog count grew to 8, DH built me a Chicken House (coop & run). Now they're confined, feel alot safer ... No chance of anyone trying to check out the other side & the dogs can watch at the fence line all they want.

I don't change out the nesting material but do fluff it up but have read where some don't like the changing out of material.

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