Brent edwards
In the Brooder
- May 17, 2017
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Hello from the show me state! New to this entire operation, looking forward to meeting new people and having fun along the way. Always open to comments and suggestions.
My flock currently contains two Buff Orpingtons, two Plymouth Barred rocks, an Easter Egger along with a Brown Leghorn. Each bird is 4 weeks old. I just recently picked up three 3 week old English Lavender Opringtons from a local breeder. Pretty excited to have added these birds to the flock. Pictures of the coop and run to come along the the birds, thanks for reading!
My flock currently contains two Buff Orpingtons, two Plymouth Barred rocks, an Easter Egger along with a Brown Leghorn. Each bird is 4 weeks old. I just recently picked up three 3 week old English Lavender Opringtons from a local breeder. Pretty excited to have added these birds to the flock. Pictures of the coop and run to come along the the birds, thanks for reading!