Newbie chicken mama


Jul 19, 2021
Hello everyone we started our chicken journey in April so far few bumps in the road we got our 5 baby girls back in April everything has been a learning experience from trying different bedding to keeping the water clean and not filled with bedding everything going pretty well now except for our coop that we ordered over 2 months ago and keeps getting shipping delays so we still have our girls in the brooder box at night we bring them outside every morning till around nightfall which is turning into such a pain in the butt can't wait for it to be over.. I've got a question being new to chickens and all am I supposed to be giving them anything else besides the vitamin powder and electrolytes powder and is this something they will get forever? I keep getting different answers from the people at tractor supply
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
You do not need to give them anything but fresh clean water and free access to a complete feed and a separate container of grit.
Do you have a shed or another out building you can convert into a coop? If you ordered a pre-fab that requires assembly, I highly recommend you go the shed conversion route.
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Electrolytes are basically salt and sugars and should only be used in times of stress. Too much can cause mineral loss. So I would quit with the Electrolytes. Keep up with the chick starter until they start laying. Make sure they aren't being crowded at night until you get your coop. As @DobieLover mentioned, a shed makes a nice chicken coop.

Good luck with your new flock and welcome to ours!

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