Newbie from Central Oklahoma

Hello, and welcome to the family!
That's an awesome set up. You may want to make a screen of some sort for the top. Those lil buggers will be flying out in no time!;)
And one that pine or cedar bedding it's hard tell in the pic..:hmm

I just went to check to see if the heat was improving and one of them flew up on top of the feeder jar! I better get to making a top!
Welcome to aka BYC! :frow
:yesss:We are glad you joined our flock.
Jump right in and make yourself at home.
I'm noticing that none of the chicks are under your heat lamp, I even see some huddled as far away from it as possible.
Double check the temp in may be too hot.

This video will help you learn how to navigate this site:

They have spread out from the corner now so I think it's cooling down some.

Baby Crib for Baby Chicks!
crazy eyes.gif


Make sure each chick knows where the food is and the water. Sometimes they need their beak dipped in water to start them drinking. They do need a wire top as soon as they practice flying. Otherwise they can fly/fall out of the brooder and be devoured by house pets, or get chilled because they can't fly back in.
G’Day from down under brezbyme :frow Welcome and Congratulations!

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

Including your general location on your profile will assist others. Location, climate, season etc can be important factors when members are responding to any questions you may have and vice versa.

You might want to also Find Your State Thread and pop in and say hello.

BYC has Topic of the Week discussions which I have found to be a great resource, informative and sometimes entertaining; so definitely worth checking out.

If you would like to share more Pictures and Stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)

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