newbie from Eastern MA


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Eastern Massachusetts
Hi, all! I am really enjoying this forum. Planning on about 9 hens to start. I've settled on a totally mixed flock - Australorp, Wyandotte, and EE. (I first thought maybe just 6 ladies, then my plans got bigger....) Also, I just finished reading a quick book "My Fine Feathered Friends" by William Grimes. and it was great! It is about a guy (a total newbie!) and a chicken in Queens, NY.

Glad to have you here!

That book sounds interesting. Is it a memoir?
Yes, it is a memoir. The writer is the restaurant critic for the New York Times - so he is used to seeing his chickens on a plate - not showing up in his backyard!
Hi chicchick! And

Sounds like you have a great flock! The book you mention sounds interesting! Thanks for the mention!

This is a fun place and we are happy to have you here!
Wait, THAT Grimes!? You have made my day and I am out the door to the library to request the book.

Welcome, welcome, welcome! Are you urban eastern mass, or more suburban, small towny?

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