Newbie from England


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 15, 2012
Aylesbury England
Hi all
2 weeks ago we got out first ever chickens. 1 x black star and 1 x gold star who settled in fine. Have since added 1x Sussex to the mix and they are getting on well. Have to say they are hard work and I'm like a new parent worrying over everything they do

They are all about 20 weeks and we are not getting many eggs yet. Egg production stopped with arrival of Sussex. Fingers crossed they start again soon
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Welcome to BYC from NY
Greeting and welcome aboard, amyandalan, and
! Great to have you here. Introduction of new birds sometimes interrupts egg production as the birds get used to each other and re-establish the pecking order. Shouldn't be too long before you the eggs start back to normal. Good luck to you!!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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