Newbie from Long Island

Su Doh Nim

7 Years
Oct 24, 2012
Hi! I'm having a hard time trying to find some new chickens; been stalking craigslist for a while, but the few chickens listed go so quickly. Does anyone know of a place to get them locally, or do I need to wait until spring? I'm not picky about breeds, just looking for hens under a year old. I'm in Middle Island.
Hi! I'm having a hard time trying to find some new chickens; been stalking craigslist for a while, but the few chickens listed go so quickly. Does anyone know of a place to get them locally, or do I need to wait until spring? I'm not picky about breeds, just looking for hens under a year old. I'm in Middle Island.
Hi! Welcome to the forum, there's loads of peeps (the human kind) from Long Island as well-many from Suffolk, like myself!

Come on over to our "Southern NY" thread and hang out with us!

As far as chickens, at this point, I've seen a few ads on Craigslist for younger laying hens, mostly for baby chicks-you have to wait for early spring-but you can order from an online hatchery.

See ya on the Southern NY thread!! I'm Rosie!!
Have you checked PetFinder? I know that sounds a little odd, but occasionally I see some on there. Have you tried the hatcheries? I am waiting until Spring just because I need time to get everything set up and ready before the chicks some. I ordered chicks once before when I wasn't ready and it was a disaster. I don't want to lose my chickens this time. It unexpectedly turned cold too quickly and I wasnt prepared to keep my chicks warm enough. They all froze, I was heartbroken.

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