Newbie from NC

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I got 6 red sex links and 2 Americans, the sex links don't act like they like the Americans much. Anyhow I gonna get a couple black copper marons
I got 6 red sex links and 2 Americans, the sex links don't act like they like the Americans much. Anyhow I gonna get a couple black copper marons

Red Sex Links are egg laying machines. Your Ameraucanas are likely Easter Eggers as opposed to true Ameraucanas, which are relatively rare and expensive, and lay only blue eggs. Hatcheries often market their Easter Eggers under the labels Araucana or Ameraucana (often misspelled by the hatchery as Americana or Americauana) when they are in fact hybrids bred to lay eggs in colors other than just blue. If you are not familiar with the difference, there is a good article on the difference between them at There's certainly nothing wrong with Easter Eggers. They typically outlay true Ameraucanas, and our Easter Eggers are my granddaughter's (pictured in my avatar) favorite chickens. She loves the different colored eggs that they lay. Good luck with your flock and in getting your Copper Marans.

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