Newbie From New England


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 17, 2015
Newbie from northern Massachusetts here with my coop on order and expecting my first chicks in early April! We've been planning to keep chickens for years, and I'm so excited everything finally fell into place! I am expecting to have RI Reds, NH reds, Buff Orbingtons, Speckled Sussex, Barred Plymouth Rocks, and White Cochin. I ordered a 4x8 coop and will have a 16x40 run with 8x16 of it covered so I can fit all 15 I have on order, but my friend asked if we could split as she'd love to start out with about a half dozen. This is tempting as there are already some other breeds I know I'd love to have someday and starting with around 8 or 9 this year will give me room to grow down the road. My questions is this. How early do their personalities show? I'd love to take my pick of the littler so to speak and am happy to raise them all until I get a good feel for which ones we have bonded with the most. Having 4 children myself I'm sure the kids will have their favorites too. My friend is fine with taking them at any stage from day old to pullet but she obviously needs to prepare if she will be brooding hers. This website has been such a wonderful resource, I'm so glad I found it!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Personalities start to show pretty quick but really aren't fully developed till they get to the coop and you can spend more time with them. The real action doesn't start until they are in the coop and of laying age. So if you are going to pick out your fav's and figure out who gets along with who, I would wait until they are 6 months of age.

Stop by our learning center too. Lots of helpful info on all the aspects of keeping your birds...

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

X2 on Two Crows.

Personalities begin to appear and blossom around week 3. Sometimes earlier and sometimes later.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined.

I usually notice personalities beginning when the birds are at least 8 weeks old. Up until that point, their personalities tend to fluctuate. By the time they are 5 months old, you'll have a very good idea of their personalities.

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