newbie from New Zealand


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 7, 2011
Hi all, I really love checking out all the identity parade pix and know thare are some really knowledgible peeps on here.

I have (or rather my little buff bantam) has raised four bought in eggs and I have a bit of a mixed bag. One is definitely a roo, as he is letting us know all about it at 6.3o in the morning, just wondering if anyone can give me a heads up on whether he has any amount of d'u]ccle in him. He is so pretty and has a lovely nature, unfortunately we can't keep him as we are in town.

looks like I'll have to post quite a few more comments before I can add any photos.
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from a fellow NZer.
if you post pics we can give sexing & breed a go
I think I am waiting to be approved!

Have put one into the uploads folder but unable to get it onto a post yet.
Just tried with this one and I had to remove the url.

have some other weird looking creatures in the same batch, will dash out and take a photo of them now.


Opps!! looks like you are out getting the photos!! Sorry... While I was finding my graphics on Photobucket, you posted the response saying you are out taking the photos
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Hi all,
thanks for the welcome.

just so in love with this whole chickens in the back yard thing. I know exactly what I am going to do with my next big lottery win!
..... buy more land and have way more chickens.

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