newbie from OHIO. HELLO ALL!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
SW Ohio
hello all.
Ive had chickens for about two years now, but this year I have purchased alot of new chickens. total right now is 51.
I raise them for their eggs, which I give to people in my church, every little bit helps that you dont have to buy at the store.
Also due to my mother having breast cancer she is not suppose to have really anything that has been treated with hormones.
Soooo, I get to have my chickens, which I love, and help my mother and friends and family.
From Ky!
Thanks everyone!!! Ive been doing alot of reading on here already and there is still alot to learn.
Ive got 6 laying hens already, but I wanted more so that I can give more eggs to other people that need them as well.
I get 3 1/2 dz right now a week, and I feel bad cause I know their are other people at our church that could use them as well.
so I went from 6 hens and 1 roo, to 51 total. Of course Im not sure how many of the new ones will be roo's but Ill wait and see.

And, we are in the process of turning 1 of my horses stalls into a chicken coop. I need something bigger now that I have all these

25 of the chicks are already outside in a chicken tractor in the stall, and 19 are still in the house.

I did get a few bantams for my husband. He likes the purty chickens. LOL

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