Newbie from Oklahoma


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 30, 2014
Hi all. I'm new to the chicken game. I always talked about getting chickens but never took the plunge until someone gave my nieces 3 little chickens for their birthday. (Literally three chicks in a cardboard box that's it! Who does that!) So now I've adopted three new babies. I really have no idea what I'm doing, learning ad I go. I don't know what breed or gender. I think they are 2/3 months old . They started out in a rabbit cage in my spare room, now I have them in a temporary coop. This site has been really helpful. Here's hoping they have a long heathly life. ;)


Meet Danger, Cotton, & Pepper in their temporary home.
Greetings from Oregon!!
Can't tell you the breeds, but Danger? He's a ROO for sure. And Cotton? A beautiful same-breed as Danger PULLET! (Nice to have a 'pair') . And Pepper...can't really tell from the pic but someone else will be along who can help. Best of luck with your little flock!!
Welcome to BYC!!!!! what a way to dive into chickens! lol. :) Hard to tell in the pic, but the brown one looks like my brown leghorns. the other one look like a Delaware. Good luck with your chickens.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2, Danger looks like a cockerel, the other two look like bantams from the size difference? Maybe OEGs, both girls?

Welcome to BYC!

You have a cute little flock! Yes, that top bird is a cockerel. The others look like pullets. Cute little coop too!

Enjoy all your adventures and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC, Sabrina! I know that the coop is only temporary, but if you are going to keep them in it for very long, I would recommend covering it with hardware cloth. There are too many predators that can either pass through the wire openings (or even chicken wire) in your coop or reach their hands (like raccoons) through the openings and pull the chickens against the wire ripping their heads off or taking bites out of them. It would be ashamed to lose your birds before you even get them into a permanent coop. Good luck with your flock.

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