Newbie from West Coast


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
Just a quick intro to say HI and get started around here. I live on the west coast and have four 1.5 week old chicks (two Barred Rocks and two Rhode Islands). My family is new to having chickens (although we've been wanting to get some for a number of years, we were waiting to find the right property before adding to our animal population). We've got two young children, a dog and a cat in our family and with our new acreage we'd like to have roughly eight chickens and I'm trying to talk my husband into a few goats

Our feathered babies are wonderful! We have been doting on them and enjoying them to no end. We borrowed a small chick tractor from a friend and brought them outside when it was warm and sunny. They had a blast scratching around and basking in the sun. My kids felt very important both transporting them and keeping an eye on them (we have nesting red shouldered hawks nearby).

This is a wonderful forum and I look forward to learning from all the experts here.

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