Newbie from WV


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
Hi! My name is Jenn and my fiance's name is Matt... We recently (3 weeks ago) got 6 chicks from TSC (4 red sex-linked and 2 black australorps) and we are already addicted! We are looking to add a couple of easter eggers to our flock already haha! We've almost completed the coop (posted pics in the coop section). Anyone else from the Charleston/Huntington area?
Howdy from Kansas, Jenn and Matt, and
! Great to have you aboard. You can chat with some locals by posting in your state's thread in the link below. Good luck to you!
Many years ago, I spent 2 weeks camping in the mountains of WV. Really beautiful country.. And then I hit a tree with my Jeep. This made it not so fun near the end. Oh well... Back to the topic. What is the average temperature in WV this time of the year?
Thank you for the warm welcomes! I'm loving reading all of the information on here.
Kernel Cluck, this week was in the 80s for most of the week, although today is only supposed to be in the 60s... Average is probably 60s and 70s for this time of the year.

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