Newbie here_Vax or No


Apr 29, 2024
I was getting ready to order chicks online when I noticed this hatchery offers vaccination. This is a subject I hadn't thought of. What's your advice on this? Can they still be a healthy flock if I don't have them vaccinated?
Hi, welcome to the forum! Glad you joined!

Vaccinated for what? The two common ones are Coccidiosis and Marek's. With either one you need to keep them away from any infected chicken for two or three weeks to give the vaccine a chance to work. There are a few other vaccines that are sometimes offered.

Coccidiosis is from a parasite that can kill the chick if the numbers of that parasite get too high. They can build their own immunity to Coccidiosis if they are exposed to that parasite for a few weeks without the numbers getting too high. Not everyone has that parasite in their environment but it is fairly common. There are several strains of that parasite. Immunity to one strain does not give immunity to another.

Marek's is a viral disease that causes chickens to grow tumors. Again different strains if that virus can cause tumors to grow in different areas. Som tumors kill outright, some only cripple. Some of the crippled ones can starve to death because they can no longer eat. Some chickens seem to have a natural immunity to this virus but it is a horrible disease to have in your flock. If just one of your flock has Marek's they all have it. It is that contagious. Some show symptoms, some do not. On average Marek's affects about 50% of chickens, but especially with a small flock that could be 0% or 100% of your flock. The Marek's vaccine does not prevent them from getting the virus. They can still transmit it. The vaccine stops the tumors that do the damage from forming.

I have Coccidiosis in my flock but I do not get any vaccinated. I control it by keeping the brooder dry, as well as the coop. Part of my run can get muddy in wet weather but they have plenty of dry places to go also. Keeping things dry is a fairly good control for Coccidiosis.

I do not have Marek's in my flock. I do not vaccinate. I try to keep a closed flock. That means I do not expose my chickens to other chickens and only bring in baby chicks from trusted sources like a major hatchery. Or I hatch my own. The Marek's vaccination does not introduce Marek's into your flock. They make it from Turkey Marek's and will not spread to chickens. It does stop the vast majority of the tumors. If I had Marek's in my flock I might feel differently about vaccinating. But then I'd have to change other things. I often hatch with a broody hen. Vaccinating would do not good as the chicks would be exposed before the vaccine had a chance to take effect.
I would vaccinate against Marek's, the coccidiosis vaccine comes down to personal choice but I lean towards no on that one. If you do vaccinate against coccidiosis, don't feed medicated as it'll negate the vaccine. Honestly, you don't need to feed medicated either way, the medication in the feed can help if they get sick but you'll still need to give them corid if they get sick. Honestly the whole medicated vs unmediated feed thing is a hotly debated topic in of itself, just don't give it to them if vaccinated against coccidiosis, and it doesn't matter much otherwise, just keep keep the brooder clean and dry and corrid on hand and they should be fine regardless.

Other diseases it depends on what diseases are in your area. What you vaccinate for in your area will be different from what I vaccinate for. I'd just ask other chicken keepers in your area have been dealing with
Nowhere around me offers vaccination and I can't get the vaccines to administer myself so I don't vaccinate my flock. I also don't feed medicated feed as I don't have any around where I live without driving a few hours. If I was ordering from somewhere that offered vaccinations and the prices weren't too much I would definitely get them. I would get Marek's for sure, especially if you are going to let them free range.

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