Newbie in AZ....

Hello all..thanks for all of the welcome Hello's. We are here in the UrbanJungle of mesa...any other Mesa or Phoenix dwellers? We can have up to 10 birds here in the city, but we currently just have 6. I am still deciding how to build my coop in my small backyard, so could use any advice about that, since I am a litte concerned about the summertime Heat, and keeping them cool. Again, here are the chickens we have, and the names that the kids gave them.

2 - Sicilian Buttercups - Rosie and Lucy
2 - Golden Sexlinks - Big Mamma and Penny (OR Laverne and Shirley depending on who you ask)
1 - Americauna - Betty Coop
1- Dominique - Sarahfern


hi i'm new here too. i havent even got chickens yet.. found this website.. seems pretty cool . already learned somethings on here.. i still need a coop.. 7 chickens.. hopefully sooner then later.. anyone know where i can get a few chickens- hens to start out with.. any suggestions on convertting a cattle run into an area for chickens.. ?

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