newbie in Wi... can you show me some coops

I really like your run ! is that pvc pipe?

Here's our coop - it's insulated because we are in WI too! And it has an extension cord run thru the wall to be able to have a lamp/heater in it if we need for winter.




Here are some pictures of my coop. It is 6x8 with a 28x11 run. I have had my 4 chickie friends for a little over a month now and so far this has worked out very well. We used scrap wood and metal etc. we had laying around and any other supplies came from garge sales or 2nd had stores. Total cost of coop was under $100 including insulation. The run was more expensive along with the stain. The total cost ended being around $350


We used a pulley system for the chicken door so that we could open and close the door without having to go into the run. We also added an old highway sign we had for shade and dryness as well as leaving the bottom of the coop open. We insulated the floor with the innards of an old hot tub cover we had and insulated the rest of the coop (with regular insulation).


We lined the inside of the coop with vinyl. ($6 from a 2nd hand store)

We made roosts (with a view) and gangplanks along with the best dropping pit ever. Just slid a piece of vinyl on the bottom and every morning I just slide it out rinse and wipe it off and slide it back in.


The solar lights in the flowers make a dim light at night in case the chickies need to see

Here are my awesome friends Lulu, Oreo, Arial and Strawberry

It is 3/4" pvc. I really like it because you can pick it up and move it. You just need 4 people (grumpy teenagers do have their uses:lol:) My chickens stayed in the run at night all summer while I researched what type of coop I wanted/could afford. I built the run myself with my DH and DS helping to put the wire on. In hindsight I would have turned the 2x4's upright and used some type of metal strap to attach the pvc (although I don't know if you could move it that way), but I stuck with my original idea of drilling the holes (not all the way through) and putting the ends of the pvc in the holes. With the wire extended out on all the sides and staked down with tent stakes, it is virtually predator proof from all sides. Except for snakes/mice nothing can get in mine. Hardare cloth around the bottom would solve that issue, but so far I have not had a problem. My chickens now are too big for that to be a problem, unless a BIG snake got hold of one.
mdpfeifer, I see you had the same challenge I had, no flat level place! Your coop/run is very nice! I just made a stencil yesterday for painting a sign on my door. It will be called "The Biddy Barn" I need to be out there painting now, instead of in here on the PC.

rsimpson, is your coop always on that trailer? If so, wouldn't that make it a mobile home coop?
Or a motorhome coop? I just love looking at coops! Guess I am either hard up for entertainment or I am easily entertained...or both!
Our coop is always on the trailer and it's working great. When the chickens got the grass dug out to the bare dirt in the run we just move it. Moves real easy by hand and if I have to go around the house or up the hill, I hook it up to the truck.

I left the winch on the trailer just in case I ever was going have to pull it out of a mud hole.
Mine was made out of old privacy fence....after Hurricane Ike hit us...we went around collecting panels...and that is what we used and then our old dog runs...I also wanted more I found a playhouse trashed and I sprayed it, got fan grills and made a mini coop...



this is what they started out with. and then above they got the playhouse coop


we added this behind the main coop...and next to it 2mos later, added another next to it...



my first and main coop...this one was made out of left over privacy fence panels...




inside use branches and they love it!!!

and deep litter, havent changed it but once every 8mos, I do filter it, get the dirty out and add little more shavings, and NO FILES!!!!

hope this helps
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