NEWBIE! NEED HELP! Wry Neck in 6 week old???


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Eugene, Oregon
I just picked up my new 6 week old to finish my flock of 5 and after reading posts, I think it has Wry neck. It is too late to treat it? How much, How often.....She is so sweet and I want her to live. She's not twisting, falling down, etc., she just has a z in her neck and it hangs down when I pick her up. She closes her eyes too. She also leans to her left side when laying down, maybe because of her neck??? Help. Thank you.
Most likely she is growing fast and is exceeding her supply of vitamins- try some baby vitamins in her water (no iron), and ruling out something genetic, she will most likely improve in 24 hours.

Now just in case she is ill, did you keep her away from the others when you brought her home?
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Thank you for responding. I was feeling hopeless.

Fortunately, I did keep her away from the other birds. She still is separated and will remain separated for a week or so. My existing 4 birds are great and I can't imagine infecting them with something.

I gave her a little bit of vitamin E from a gelcap. I also gave her some yogurt. I'll give her some children's vitamins, too. Why do we get the no iron type?

Thank you for your help! She perked up a little almost instantly after the Vit. E.
It sounds like a typical case of her neurological development getting ahead of her vitamin supply. So glad she had been separated, that's a relief. Oh I think you will get her fixed, pdq!

No iron because in birds, with tiny kidneys, iron can be chelated too rapidly and affect their blood and oxygen carrying ability...
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Thanks so much for the help. I can't wait to get home and see her improvement! Poor thing must be so lonely all by herself.

Thanks again!
I have a 6 week old with the same thing going on - exactly. While I hate to hear of our birds having to go through this, I'm glad to know I am not the only one trying to deal with this right now. And of course, it always happens to our favorites! I isolated mine last night and have been giving her vitamins and helping her eat. My only concern now from everything I have read is that the other chicks will never accept her back
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The same but with lots of head scratching today. I am still continuing all the vitamins but also have a call into my vet about other possible causes. I am jealous of those who have seen results in 24 hours

The good news is she is still eating and drinking ok and doing all the normal chicken things so I am hopeful!

How is yours?
sorry to hear that. I am prepared to keep trying. At least her brooder mates still accept her. I keep putting her back everyday for awhile. They all seem to miss each other so much.

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