NEWBIE! NEED HELP! Wry Neck in 6 week old???

Someone told me originally when I posted this that their nervous systems just sometimes can't keep up with their growth. It actually made sense to me. Not that it is physiologically the same, but it reminded me of kids growing really fast and becoming super uncoordinated. They need help in catching up with their body. Basically they don't have the nervous system to maintain their mass.

In a perfect world it should all come together eventually. Some will be more "coordinated" than others, but the others will still be able to live independently. It also could be that some of your chicks will develop this later, as none of them will grow exactly the same. Some may have later spurts that causes this. I know it's a pain in the butt and the choice is yours, ultimately. If you choose to cull, at least you know you gave it your all. I wish you luck with this and I'm sorry for your situation.
Just thought I would check in and see how everyone's little wry necks are doing? I'm pretty happy to report we are almost 100% good. She has been back in the brooder with her two friends now for the past 3 days and nights. I couldn't stand the pacing she was doing and the crying so I put her back. She is doing well, only the occasional neck bending, and they are leaving her alone. She even went to my daughter's preschool class yesterday for a little bit. I am still continuing her vitamins and watching her but I feel positive she is going to recover. Hope everyone else is having good results as well
Very useful information- wondering if some of the chicks need a higher dosage of the vitamins?
The genetics of an individual vary, as do the nutritional demands. Also possible to have neck and back abnormalities which may not respond.
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Hooray!!! I'm so happy to hear that. That is so great she went to school. What a good little example she is.
I'm happy to report that Squirt is all well and good. I got her another friend to play with that is just her size. She is having a blast! Thanks for checking in!!
My 6 wk australorp pullet just came down with this today and looks just like Ava in the head down position. I gave her some vitamin E squeezed from capsules this am and got the Poly-Vi-Sol this afternoon (without iron) but it has no selenium in it. Where do people find the selenium? I've gotten water into her today by dipping her beak and using the medicine dropper, and five mealworms. I think I'm going to dunk some whole wheat bread in water and give that to her next as she does not seem able to find her food... any other ideas, folks? She is flopping around a bit in the clear storage container I've got her in and I took out the shavings and put in a towel to keep her from getting the shavings in her face, poor thing!
Patty N.
Yes, I would highly recommend that. I have been giving one squirt of B everyday and 2-4 E gel caps plus a couple little pieces of selenium. She also have Avia Charged water all the time. For her, it helped. I stopped the polyvisol after the starting this regime.

I hope you have luck with it!
here is some help with the vitamins and wry neck
do this
will need vitamins: MAINLY vit E and Vit B complex
any way you need
1000 mg of Vit E capaules and cut end off and drizzle it in the beak of the chicken twice a day
Also 1 vit B complex tablet twice a day
crush in tbsp and add 1 tsp of water
to feed it to the chicken
make sure the head and neck allow this thru
also I would do this

make 3 tsp of dry crummbles for one chick
6 tsp of milk
1 tbsp of yoguasrt
aand add both vit E liquid from capsule and crushed vit B complex to wet mash and see if the bird can eat

feed this twice a day for 7 days
then three times the second week
and then once a week from then on till the bitrd is okay
I bought selenium at the pharmacy. It only comes in tablets (250mcg) so I have to cut them up. I give her two pieces about the size of a chunk of chick starter. I stopped the polyvisol because I read the A in it counteracts the E. I had to hold Ava's beak in her food bowl for the first couple days every few hours. The same with the water. After 48 hours she was able to hold her head up enough at times to get what she wanted. After 4 days she was able to keep her head up pretty much all the time but pull it out of the tucked under position when she needed to. As far as her container (a large cat carrier), I put a half of piece of large outdoor fake grass rug in it. It worked great. She was able to keep her footing and not throw everything all over the place!
Thanks for the information Glenda. You always have good advice.

I was able to find and use Human B liquid vitamins at the pharmacy. I've been giving about 1 squirt a day.

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