Newbie Questions


9 Years
Oct 8, 2010
Escondido CA
Thank you for taking the time to answer some perhaps dumb questions, but I googled for answers before I posted, and couldn't find exactly the advice I needed.

#1: We just got a new chick (3 weeks old). Some older chicks she was kept with before I got her picked out some of her back feathers. Should I put some aloe vera on her skin to help with the healing? How about sunscreen when she goes outside to play?

#2: I am housing my 3 new chicks(3 weeks old) indoors until they get all their feathers in. My last (and first) group of chicks I got in late winter and used a heat lamp for them, even inside the house. This time, the weather is much warmer, and the house stays between 70-80 degrees. I'm thinking a heat lamp isn't necessary, but if I'm wrong, I'd love to know! I'm located near San Diego, so we stay warm through October, well, compared to many places, warm all year.

Also any integration tips would be appreciated. Flock #1 is 7 months old (3 of them), and Flock #2 is 3 weeks old (3 of them). I know I need to keep them separate until they are closer to equal size, but I'm really a novice, and could use some suggestions.
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I have no answers about the featherless spot, except for don't worry about it, she'll grow new ones. Others may have other responses.

But about temperatures... I'm in a warm area too, but there's a guideline for chick warmth: 95-100 degrees first couple of days which is usually in an incubator, 90-95 degrees first week, 85-90 degrees 2nd week, 80-85 degrees 3rd week, 75-80 degrees fourth week, 70-75 degrees fifth week, and so on and so forth until the chicks have reached the lowest ambient temperature OR are fully feathered. That's generally around week 6 or so, depending upon breed.

So, if night time temps are lower than the guidelines, provide some supplemental heat during the night.

As for integration, here's my method, which I initiate at 8 weeks (when they go off medicated feed):
Small grow-out coop and temporary run INSIDE the regular chicken run. A dog house, or something, even a hutch or smallish coop, with a temporary fence made of garden stakes and poultry fencing. They get their own waterer and feeder. They stay there for two to four weeks while they grow some more, and everybody can see everybody else and hear 'em and even bump chests through the poultry fence if they want to. But nobody will be able to hurt the chicks. They'll get used to them. At some point, you simply remove the temp fence and let them all mingle.

The Big Chickens will simply go, "Hmmm, I know you, you're not a Stranger. Just keep out of my way and don't try to eat anything *I* want to eat. I outrank you." There will be some light pecking, maybe some minor feather pulling, and some squawks and chasing, but shouldn't be anything serious or injurious to the youngsters.

Voila! Integration has been achieved! Keep the extra waterer and feeder available so the Big Chickens cannot block the little ones from getting nourishment or water.
Gryeyes got you off to a great start!!!! Keep reading topics in this forum-you'll learn so much like I have and still am and
Thank you so much Linda! I can tell my daughters and I will be schooled well by the company here!

Chica- I appreciate the welcome. What a great community! We're excited to be a part of it!

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