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retired farmgirl

In the Brooder
Aug 9, 2022
Hello from beautiful Knoxville Tennessee. I have a small farm with 36 chickens-3 buff Orpingtons, 3 Easter eggers, 5 Cinnamon reds, 3 silver Wyandots (sp), 1 Cochin, 5 New Hampshire reds, 3 white leghorns, 2 barred rock, and the rest are offspring of one or another. They all free range over about 3 acres.
I also have one blue slate turkey hen but I'm getting 15 poults in Sept. (call me crazy!!!) which are more blue slate, black spanish, and royal palms. I also have 9 cats (lots of rats around here), 12 goats and a dog. I'm newest to turkeys and have lots of questions about their care. I read one book and everything else I can, but often get conflicting information so I'm hoping you all can help me sort it out.

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