Newbie with lots of roos?? Help!!


6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
I have 4 birds here up for your expertise and knowledgeable evaluation! They were supposedly hatched on March 9th so they'd be about 4 weeks old, but I'm not completely sure about that.

2 are Blue Copper Marans. I'm afraid they're both roos. I know one is for sure.
2 are Easter Eggers. I know one's a roo and I'm pretty sure the other is a pullet.

Oh, and it's clean out day so there may be a lil mess...pardon. :)

I think this is my BCM roo and my EE pullet.

I am not sure if this BCM is a roo or pullet. Hoping for a girl...

And here we have what I think is my BCM roo in back, EE pullet in middle, and I'm fairly certain an EE roo on the right. He is a meanie...but so pretty.

So, please let me know if you think I am correct or if there is any clarification you can offer. Thanks in advance!!!!
Oh, good! I was afraid I had 3 of them. So, blue copper pullets have copper in their chest feathers?

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