Hello Everyone.
Just got 10 chickies! I have not raised chickens for years and as I started a new lifestyle (Paleo Diet) I wanted the fresh eggs back in my diet as we go through lots of them
So in my flock I have 7 Black Australorps and 3 Rhode Island Reds, so as we fix the old coop up and make it great for the new girls. I am still looking to find a good rooster to hang out with my girls.
Just got 10 chickies! I have not raised chickens for years and as I started a new lifestyle (Paleo Diet) I wanted the fresh eggs back in my diet as we go through lots of them
So in my flock I have 7 Black Australorps and 3 Rhode Island Reds, so as we fix the old coop up and make it great for the new girls. I am still looking to find a good rooster to hang out with my girls.