

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 17, 2013
Just wanted to introduce myself and my two girls. I've never had chickens and I have no idea what I'm doing.
I've learned so much already just by all the wonderful information on this site. I was only suppose to have one chicken and the other was suppose to go to a friend. My chicken was suppose to be dinner the next night but I couldn't go through with it so now she's gone from being dinner to being spoiled. I asked my friend if she would mind if I kept the other so mine wouldn't get lonely. BTW, there names are Prissy and Missy. Prissy is a cornish bantam. I'm not sure what Missy is, I'm hoping someone on here will be able to tell me that. I look forward to all the wonderful information I'll find and the people I'll meet!

Missy is the one in the center of the picture. I got her from a friend and those are her chickens.



Temporary coop/run until we get a better one built this weekend. A rabbit hutch and a large dog crate together with poultry fence around them. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do when you aren't expecting to have chickens as pets. LOL

Spoiling the girls. Prissy on the left Missy on the Left.
Prissy came from the Looney Tunes Cartoon hen with Foghorn Leghorn. Missy was named by my 13 yo. My kids 6, 8 and 13 have enjoyed these girls company.
Welcome!!! You've been bitten by the chicken bug
A great quote that I have seen around the forum, "Chickens are like potato chips. You can't have just one!" Those girls are lucky that you found them! Enjoy!

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