
Hi Ms Chicken Mamma
My daughter persevered for 6 weeks, she spent most of her time watching them from a safe distance. One of her big girls (Henny Penny) in particular was hounding them, even Honey (highest in the pecking order) was telling her (Henny Penny), off for bothering the little ones. They spent all their time in hiding, it was really painful to watch. It came to a head when she found them literally being attacked by Henny Penny in the coop. So now I have them and she's not getting them back!!!! They have a lovely wee life here, what a difference in them and it's not even been two weeks, they seem confident free ranging around my garden, they even get on with my little chihuahua, so all good. They are about 12 weeks old now.
Seramus are beautiful little chickens, do they fly high? My little sebright flew onto my 8ft wall a couple of days after we got her, she did fly back down 'cos she doesn't wander far from the little Pekin, but we're now worried to leave them free ranging unless we're out there with them. It just seemed to come so easy to her, she glided no flapping!!!

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