Newby question about keeping waterer clean and clear of bedding


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
QCA, Illinois
I love to watch my new baby chicks scratch and peck around in their little area, but they make such a mess with their bedding. I have to clean their waterer (one of those galvanized kind that you screw a canning jar on). Does anyone have any suggestions to keep this from happening and keep their waterer clean longer?

I am keeping these 6 tiny chicks in a cut off plastic barrel until we get their coop done. It's rather cold out (here in Western Illinois) still and I'm going to try to keep them inside my house until they get a few feathers or until the weather warms up (it seems like winter just doesn't want to let go!!) Is there some way to stop them from (haha) 'fowling' up their waterer and still give them complete access to it?

Welcome Gindee!

I am sure lots of others will chime in, but here's what we do: I raise the waterer up on an overturned bowl at first, and gradually increase the height (keeping at about the chicks' back level) as they grow. They can still drink but it helps keep SOME of the crud out...

That said, at this age (current chicks are 2 weeks) I do change the water twice a day.

The general thought is not to put chicks outside until they are fully feathered and nighttime temps are pretty warm (6-8 weeks) unless you set them up with a heat lamp in a draft-free brooder outside.

Thanks a million!!

I put the waterer on a small scrap piece of 2X4 (we're in the process of building a small coop) and it's working like a charm! It's been 3 hours and the water is still clean and clear! Now instead of having to change the waterer every hour, I'll just do it a couple times a day!

You guys are the best!!

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