Newer Chickie Lady

Hi all- I’m Jody - looking for a good spot to find information on keeping my girls safe n happy.
I’ve owned chickens since February- A present for Christmas....
I met a local Chicken Lady by chatting with her Daughter in-law at tractor supply. We were working on the coop and enclosure (no free-range with 2 large dogs) and the best day was to find Tiffany-my mentor..... She gave me 4 (almost 1 year old ) girls....
They’re as follows-
Henny Penny a Rock Maran, Elsa an Aracana, Anna a mini-cochin and Lacey a cute partridge.....(Names compliments of my neighbor, my 2 year old granddaughter, and me....) I Can tell who lays what.....
This is our first summer- trying to keep them cool.... suggestions welcome. Looking for The Best Waterer .... need to put frozen water bottles in it. Anyway.... they’re like my kids. They always want to see what I’m bringing..... more later.....

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