Newly hatched duckling "stargazing"


Tartan Terror
11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
I have a Khaki Campbell duckling that hatched this morning that is "stargazing" and walking backwards. I read that this is a niacin deficiency when it occurs in ducklings? Would this be due to poor nutrition in the parent birds? (these eggs were bought from a breeder). Will a drop or two of baby vits fix this? It is obviously not eating yet but I have specialist duck and goose crumbles for them so should it get better once it starts eating?

I had a chick that was born like this (a few weeks ago). Read somewhere to give it some yeast water. So I put it in the dropper and fed it to the chick a few drops at a time, couple of times a day. I don't know if that is what did it, but the chick is now fine, as if there was never anything wrong with it.

Hope this helps.

BTW - I don't think it had anything to do with the parents nutrition intake. I hatch my own eggs and this is the first egg is 2 years that has had this problem, and I just hatched another 13 (in addition to the ones that hatched with the star gazer.)
I had a khaki campbell that hatched out Monday. It hatched later than all of its hatchmates and Tuesday it was still laying around. All my daughter could think to give it was pedialite because her son had been sick. I said just give it some and leave it in the incubator - it's in a kindergarden classroom. One of the women in the office who works at a wildlife rescue looked at it and said it was neurological damage. Well yesterday morning it was perfect! They were able to put it in the brooder and you can't tell which one it was.
thanks everyone. My little guy looks a lot better today too. Fingers crossed he will make a full recovery.

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