Newly hatched in Coachella, California!


6 Years
Jan 25, 2013
Coachella, Ca
Hello everyone! A wonderful local woman by the name of Joanie, sent me to the BYC, I have to say that she's about the nicest person I've met in a long time!!! So thank you Joanie! My name is Kate and and my good friend Destiny and I are 2LiveChicks!

Our goal, raw food for us, fresh eggs for the egg eaters! LOL.

We are tearing up my large yard and planning a huge year round garden along side a egg producing coup. The goal is to attend the local farmers market and barter for the fruits and veggies we can't grow ourselves.

I'm hoping to find some great advice, coup plans and hopefully make some friends while we're at it!

Thanks for having us!!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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