newly hatched silkie babie question


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 10, 2010
my momma silkie just hatched a new babie yesterday...ive never hatched my own chicks before so i need some advice. im not sure weather it would be better to leave him or her with its momma or take it out so i can make sure it eats and drinks. please help. thanks.
As long as the baby can reach the food and water, just leave it and the mama will teach it. If you want, just dip the chick's beak in the water so you know it knows how to drink. It will learn to feed by watching mama. Good luck!
agreed! just make sure they have fresh food, water, bedding ect
like i said, silkies are AMAZING moms
i saw a show about chickens on PBS and they had a story about a silkie that had just hatched her first brood, and she had them outside, a hawk came, and she covered her chicks with her body and the hawk got her and he babies lived :eek:
i was thinking i should leave it with its mom....well actually 2 moms and a dad. Both the hens want to take care of the baby...and the daddy roo protets all 3 of them! there are still 3 eggs left that have not hatched yet they were laid over a period of 3 days so im not sure if any more babies are going to hatch out. I was only worried about leaving it in there with the moms because they still just want to sit on the eggs that are left but i dont want to take the eggs out either because im not sure if anymore are going to hatch out. I just want to make sure the lil one is going to eat and )drink. (can you tell im very new to this..ive raised baby chicks lots of times but none that we have ever hatched ourselves)
i have one more question...i know you are supposed to feed the chicks starter grower....but the food thats in there now is layer....should i be feeding should i put starter grower food in there for the chickens or layer?
the starter grower wont effect the other chickens if they are still laying? I feel stupid asking all of these questions but ive never had chickens and chicks together in the same coop before.

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