Niacin Deficiencies in Goslings & Ducklings (growth & leg problems)

I'm way late in the information cycle here
I have a Peking duck that walks a bit then falls over its legs are not right. I got two of them at TSC and one is fine (male) and the other a female( her beak is lighter and she quacks differently) they told me they would be fine on chick starter and I didn't know any better as this is my first go around with ducks.
they are about 16 weeks and fairly big at this point. Will giving supplemental niacin help at this point or am I to late to help her.
I also have 4 rouen ducks and another Peking that was given to me there 3 weeks old. that I will absolutely be getting on brewers yeast ASAP
Also my duck and chickens are mixed in the same coupe it's fairly large and everyone see happy. Will the brewers yeast hurt the chickens.
I think I'm going to sprinkle it on the morning feeding but I don't know how much to give them
The little ones are still inside so that's an easier task.
I'm way late in the information cycle here
I have a Peking duck that walks a bit then falls over its legs are not right. I got two of them at TSC and one is fine (male) and the other a female( her beak is lighter and she quacks differently) they told me they would be fine on chick starter and I didn't know any better as this is my first go around with ducks.
they are about 16 weeks and fairly big at this point. Will giving supplemental niacin help at this point or am I to late to help her.
I also have 4 rouen ducks and another Peking that was given to me there 3 weeks old. that I will absolutely be getting on brewers yeast ASAP
Also my duck and chickens are mixed in the same coupe it's fairly large and everyone see happy. Will the brewers yeast hurt the chickens.
I think I'm going to sprinkle it on the morning feeding but I don't know how much to give them
The little ones are still inside so that's an easier task.
Dif start the brewers yeast for you duck, Hopefully it will still help, I think it will along with warm water therapy where she can kick in the water and build up her leg muscles. I use brewers yeast for my whole flock chickens/ ducks/ geese they eat out of the same feeders. I use 2 Tab to 2 cups of feed. And
Dif start the brewers yeast for you duck, Hopefully it will still help, I think it will along with warm water therapy where she can kick in the water and build up her leg muscles. I use brewers yeast for my whole flock chickens/ ducks/ geese they eat out of the same feeders. I use 2 Tab to 2 cups of feed. And :welcome

Thank you for your help..
Do I use the same ratio with the little ones as well?
And is this dose just once a day? Then resume the rest of the days feeding with their regular food I'm assuming here lol
Thank you for your help..
Do I use the same ratio with the little ones as well?
And is this dose just once a day? Then resume the rest of the days feeding with their regular food I'm assuming here lol
When using the brewers yeast sprinkle on top of the food because if you mix it in it's going to go to the bottom, I use Fermented feed so since it's wet I can mix the Brewers yeast in by stirring. you could try spraying some warm water onto the feed and then sprinkling the brewers yeast over it it would probably keep it on top better where they would get it instead of it ending up on the bottom of the bowl. I would use the same ratio for the little ones. too. just 1Xa day till they are about 12 weeks old.
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When using the brewers yeast sprinkle on top of the food because if you mix it in it's going to go to the bottom, I use Fermented feed so since it's wet I can mix the Brewers yeast in by stirring. you could try spraying some warm water onto the feed and then sprinkling the brewers yeast over it it would probably keep it on top better where they would get it instead of it ending up on the bottom of the bowl. I would use the same ratio for the little ones. too. just 1Xa day till they are about 12 weeks old.

What frequency and time frame for the older ducks. Especially the wobbly one?
Thanks and sorry for so many questions
I'm way late in the information cycle here
I have a Peking duck that walks a bit then falls over its legs are not right. I got two of them at TSC and one is fine (male) and the other a female( her beak is lighter and she quacks differently) they told me they would be fine on chick starter and I didn't know any better as this is my first go around with ducks.
they are about 16 weeks and fairly big at this point. Will giving supplemental niacin help at this point or am I to late to help her.
I also have 4 rouen ducks and another Peking that was given to me there 3 weeks old. that I will absolutely be getting on brewers yeast ASAP
Also my duck and chickens are mixed in the same coupe it's fairly large and everyone see happy. Will the brewers yeast hurt the chickens.
I think I'm going to sprinkle it on the morning feeding but I don't know how much to give them
The little ones are still inside so that's an easier task.
I use a human vitamin B Complex crushed and added to 1 gallon of water for my duck with leg problems. I do this for 3 days and then go back to the niacin tablets in her water. Since I am only treating the one, there are no issues with anyone else getting this water. Thinking about it....I don't think it would cause any problems if used for the 3 days. The B vitamins are water soluable and are excreted quite quickly from the body.

My girl is around 20 weeks old now and is about to get a walker. I have tried the vet wrap on her many times, to make the hobble and it helps but doesn't quite get the job done, lol. I really think the walker is going to do the trick. She can walk for a few steps but then her leg gets lazy [?] and she goes back to using her wings to help her move. If she is up with her legs down so she has to use them correctly I truly believe she will be with the rest of the flock before too long. If you haven't tried to hobble her I would suggest you try that as well. It helps teach the body and brain what is correct. You may get lucky and find that's all you need! Good luck!

If you follow this link it will take you to a page that will explain the hobbling. My duck has a leg that wants to spread out to the side, as I said, lazy. Ihave done the hobbling with her and it has taught her how her legs are supposed to be placed so she can walk. Most times she does, sometimes she doesn't. That's why she's getting the walker. At her age the hobbling is too restrictive and the chance for real mobility and the correct use of her legs should finish what the hobbling of her legs started. I am hoping.

Where my duck is so much older than most you would do this with, I first wrapped her legs with some gauze to protect her legs from the Vet Wrap. I wrapped some of the Vet Wrap around that to hold it in place then took more and kind of figure eighted it between her legs a couple of times and wrapped the tail end of it around the middle of the figure eight to keep it from shifting and from her getting out of it.

Now I'm not sure this will work for yours as I'm not sure I really understand just why she won't or can't walk on her own. Could you explain it a little more or is it possible for you to post a couple of pictures?

My day old ducklings are going to be arriving on may 6. This is the food I ordered to get them started on, I'm hopping it will have all the nutrition needed for them to be healthy. I have never own any ducks nor chickens before, I'm a brand new mom! Would someone please let me know if I ordered the right food?

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