Niacin Deficiencies in Goslings & Ducklings (growth & leg problems)

I have a question about Niacin dosage? You all quote numbers like 100-150 mg per gallon of water. The supplement tablets I found contain FAR more than that according to the label and now I'm worried again! I had been breaking each tablet in half, and doing the half tablet to a gallon of water, but now I'm thinking that may still be too much? Here's the supplement analysis label:

Magnesium 1.00% Min
Potassium 4.00% Min
Vitamin A 1,200,000 IU/lb
Vitamin D3 300,000 IU/lb
Vitamin E 8,000 IU/lb
Vitamin K 400 mg/lb
Ascorbic Acid 4,000 mg/lb
Thiamine 1,100 mg/lb
Riboflavin 1,100 mg/lb
Niacin 15,000 mg/lb
Pantothnic Acid 3,200 mg/lb
Pyridoxine 1,400 mg/lb
Folic Acid 240 mg/lb
Biotin 80 mg/lb
Vitamin B12 3 mg/lb
Lactic Acid Bacteria 3.6 Billion CFU/lb

It's called Life-Lytes Mega Tabs made by Manna Pro

The directions state 1 whole tablet to each gallon of water for an adult flock. Cas is a baby so I figured a half tablet to his gallons of water would be safer? These seem like REALLY big numbers to me now after reading here...can someone here understand them better?
My duckling had a swollen joint and no use of his foot. He basically hopped on one leg. I confined to the brooder box for 2 weeks and gave him vitamin B complex 2x daily. He also ate kale as well as lettuce some bugs and meal worms. He also swam in a baby pool each day. He did well and looked ready to go back to mama. So I returned him to the flock. In 2 days his leg was swollen again and he could barely hobble. I scooped him up even though mama was not happy. I now have had him confined for 4 days, swimming in the pool and walking some in the grass. His leg looks so much better the swelling has gone down and he is walking good and is very anxious to return to the flock. I have been giving him some oregano this time around. I read it was good for inflammation. How long do you recommend keeping him confined?

Thanks for any help you can provide

Jeniep:/ :/
My duckling had a swollen joint and no use of his foot. He basically hopped on one leg. I confined to the brooder box for 2 weeks and gave him vitamin B complex 2x daily. He also ate kale as well as lettuce some bugs and meal worms. He also swam in a baby pool each day. He did well and looked ready to go back to mama. So I returned him to the flock. In 2 days his leg was swollen again and he could barely hobble. I scooped him up even though mama was not happy. I now have had him confined for 4 days, swimming in the pool and walking some in the grass. His leg looks so much better the swelling has gone down and he is walking good and is very anxious to return to the flock. I have been giving him some oregano this time around. I read it was good for inflammation. How long do you recommend keeping him confined?

Thanks for any help you can provide

How is your duckling doing?
Hi Lydia, Thank you for your inquiry. Piper the duckling is doing grand! He has remained with the flock but seeks me out on occasion looking for those meal worms. He is the first at the door in the morning when I take their food to them. Of course he gets a couple of extra meal worms just because he is Piper! Great to hear from you.:)
Hi Lydia, Thank you for your inquiry. Piper the duckling is doing grand! He has remained with the flock but seeks me out on occasion looking for those meal worms. He is the first at the door in the morning when I take their food to them. Of course he gets a couple of extra meal worms just because he is Piper! Great to hear from you.

Great news!! thanks for updating.
I have a duckling with a curled foot & weak leg. Working with walking, swimming, good healthy should I splint the leg & foot? TIA
British marmite is full of b vitamins and niacin its recomended to pregnant women to prevent down's syndrome
But can you get it in the USA? Most of us use Brewers yeast at 1 tab to 1 cup of feed. or Nutritional yeast but never Baking yeast. or try this

Niacin capsules - plain niacin, not no-flush or timed release - can be opened and emptied into their drinking water at 100 to 150 mg per gallon. Mix often or it falls to the bottom.
I have a duckling with a curled foot & weak leg. Working with walking, swimming, good healthy should I splint the leg & foot? TIA
Post 89

and read this making a shoe is pretty simple just be sure not to wrap too tight that it may cut off circulation .

Be sure the duckling is getting the niacin it needs and plenty of warm water swim time. we call it water therapy.

And Welcome to BYC

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