Niacin Deficiencies in Goslings & Ducklings (growth & leg problems)

Thank you, I'll try and find that. I'm waiting for the feed store to open at 10 so I can get vitamins of some kind. You can see the size difference of those front two is massive. They are at least 2/3 bigger than the little ones. And I feel at two weeks of age those big ones are probably growing the way they should. The little ones seem to be not growing at a normal rate
I sure wish I knew what was causing the problem. Hopefully getting them on a poultry vitamin along with the other your using will help. They are beautiful ducklings.
I put a packet of save-a-chick in their water and squirted a little in the mouth
of the two I was worried about. In 20 min they started drinking, then eating on their own. Now they seem tons better. It's crazy. I feel so responsible. I'm keeping this in their water for the next month or so to be safe.
I know this is an older post, but with my geese and ducks I always let them graze outside as babies... Ive Never had a problem with my chicks, or I pick grass and let them eat that, has anyone else done this?
I found out the Grower/Finisher chicken feed I've been using has .26 grams/lb of niacin. I thought I was home free...Now I see Goosedragon wrote saying ducks and I imagine my geese may not be able to assimilate the niacin via the grain. I have been adding Nutritional Yeast to their grain over the last couple weeks which I read elsewhere is preferable to Brewer's Yeast. I see no health issues in my Pilgrim geese so am hoping they're doing fine. Certainly is a dilemma.
I found out the Grower/Finisher chicken feed I've been using has .26 grams/lb of niacin. I thought I was home free...Now I see Goosedragon wrote saying ducks and I imagine my geese may not be able to assimilate the niacin via the grain. I have been adding Nutritional Yeast to their grain over the last couple weeks which I read elsewhere is preferable to Brewer's Yeast. I see no health issues in my Pilgrim geese so am hoping they're doing fine. Certainly is a dilemma.

Have you read this?
Have you read this?
Yes, thank you for re posting! I had seen this which first alerted me to the issue. I just re read it and see the recommended dosage of niacin is more than twice the levels my chick grower feed contains. The article doesn't mention geese, so I assume the needs are nearly if not identical. This is very important information for those of us with water fowl.

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