Niacin question....


10 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Fossil, OR
First off, I know a lot of people never need to worry about niacin deficiency with their ducklings, but since I live in the middle of nowhere, I would rather have what I need in case I do have to worry about it (better to have and not need than to need and not have).

Now, I had ducklings for about a week once (hatching some eggs for a neighbor whose female duck died), and I could never find brewers yeast in store anywhere, nor could I find proper niacin tablets (they were all time-release). I have an order of bantam chicks coming this week, and the hatchery is only hatching broilers, ducks, turkeys, and geese at the moment (in addition to the shortage of bantams they had last week), so I may get ducks or geese as packing peanuts (I'm not worried about turkeys or broilers, because I know how to take care of them).

My question is, if I were to buy brewers yeast online, what would be the best kind to get, in your opinion? (I mainly use Amazon.) I've never even looked at brewers yeast before, so I don't know if there's even a difference between the brands.

I have chick starter, flock raiser crumbles, and turkey/gamebird starter (they don't sell any sort of waterfowl starter here), so please don't ask about those. I know about combining the feeds. I would just like to have the brewers yeast on hand in case I need it (I may not even get any ducks, but I'd rather be safe than sorry).

Thank you in advance! And if I don't reply, it's probably because I'm on mobile and phones are messed up because of the weather.
If you have any health food stores or herbal shops in your area they will have brewers yeast.
As I said, I live in the middle of nowhere; it's a couple hours+ drive one way to town. We're lucky to have a small store with basic essentials. I rarely get to go to town, and don't have time to hunt down a health food store or herbal shop when I do go. Thanks though!
No Walmart by you? They carry it in the dog section.

If you have to order it, I believe all brewer's yeast is the same. Powder is easier then you don't have to crush it. Make sure you get straight brewer's yeast (not some kind of vitamin with brewer's yeast in it). Don't know if I'd buy a huge tub of it though, does it lose it's effectiveness?
No, closest Walmart is a couple hours away. I tried looking there once, but couldn't find it.

I wouldn't get a huge tub (don't know if it loses its effectiveness). They have different sizes on Amazon. Also, I have a sister with a Prime account, so free 2 day shipping.
No, closest Walmart is a couple hours away. I tried looking there once, but couldn't find it.

I wouldn't get a huge tub (don't know if it loses its effectiveness). They have different sizes on Amazon. Also, I have a sister with a Prime account, so free 2 day shipping.
That's what we use and we're 5 minutes from a Walmart... Amazon and their prime account make things affordable and convenient. Order a 1 lbs canister of brewers yeast and call it good. I'm still giving a few scoops per feeder load just to get rid of the stuff we bought when we first got our gang of chickens, ducks and geese.
Ask friends or look in the phone book for an elevator in your area. Brewers yeast is a common additive to animal feed and comes in a 50# bag for around $15. or you can buy it by the pound for about $1./lb. Store in a dry airtight container.

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