Niacin question

Back on the Farm

8 Years
Mar 9, 2011
I've got 2 pekin ducks that are about 3 weeks old. I haven't added niacin to their water or food, but have been reading that it is a good idea. I bought some at Walmart the other night and in looking on the board to find out how much to give, I came across a post that said the 'flush free' isn't the kind that I should use - unfortunately that is all I could find...

What kind of niacin do I need to look for?
Any ideas as to where I can buy some?
How much do I give them?


Thanks in advance for your help
If you are feeding them game bird starter crumbles, then it already contains niacin. You can get it at Agway and other feed stores.

If you are feeding some "chicken food". you may have some health problems.

See what you are feeding them before trying to supplement. You may be over doing it.
A sprinkling of brewer's yeast has niacin, bugs have niacin. Perhaps the local pharmacy (if there still is one near you) has it.

You may need to do some research on just how much brewer's yeast per day they need - my searches have turned up some articles that I reckon mean that some ducklings are more sensitive to low niacin than others. Holderread recommends 100 to 150 mg per gallon of water till they're (eight or ten ? cannot recall) weeks old as treatment for niacin deficiency.

Just thought of this - high quality dry cat kibble must have niacin.

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