"Nice" Roos?

I have 6 roos that were handled a ton since they were babies & they are all very sweet!

The head roo, I got from a friend....he doesn't want to be picked up or anything, but he isn't mean at all. He takes bread from your hand gently & he is pretty tolerant of all the rest of the roos.

I do however remember as a young kid running up to a rooster to pick it up (being a kid not knowing) & the thing pecked me but good! I probably scared the bejebbies out of him!
I know how to handle my roosters.

I am not a child looking at every animal as cute, cuddly and my best friend who will understand me and my intensions.

It is a very dangerous thing to mislead an inexperieced young person about handling roosters.

Better to err with caution and legitimate outcomes than to continue a falsehood that any rooster of any breed is docile and cuddly.

A young person that has never been flogged cannot understand completely the extreme dangers of flying feet and claws.

Do you want to be responsible for advise that leads to severe injury?

I have never mislead a person on this board and will not do so now.

If you have further arguements you want to discuss you may PM me.
I stand with you, I am not a child either. I respect your position to protect any inexperienced person on this board.

I never stated nor do I believe that any rooster of any breed is safe and docile and cuddly. My previous posts have been more than clear on that.

I'm sorry if you thought I was being misleading, it was not my intention. No child should ever be left unattended with any livestock at any time.
Bear in mind that I'm only planning to get 1 roo but I don't how my plans will turn out. Probably the best chance I have at getting chickens is grabbing some abandoned ones I find on the side of the road (On a few different occasins I've seen a mother hen with chicks following behind her literally on the side of a road but my parents wouldn't let me get them
) and if thats the case I won't know what my chicks are untill after I've already gotten them (And I imagine once they've grown?). And I couldn't just rehome the roos.

If by some miracle things went acording to my plans I'd get a female white bantam silkie, a female bantam sebright, a female millie fleur belgian d'Uccle bantam, and I'm not sure what my roo would be. It;d have to be one that could breed with one of my females since i want chicks. maybe another silkie.
If you wanted banties, you will likely end up with some roos. Almost all hatcheries sell bantam breeds straight run so you'll end up with a 50:50 split, ideally. My pet chicken will sex banties, but they charge a lot for that service!

It may make your parents more willing to allow chickens if you start with hens only and add roos later.
I have one singular nice roo...... my bantam Cochin. He isn;t interested in flogging anyone and looks after his girls well. He does run the others away from the hens if they try to mate them.

I have a La Fleche that is a big wuss... but he is just a slow maturing roo.... I imagine he'll hand out his share of floggings when he is older

My others, especially the bantams are fearless! My Silkie is ALWAYS trying to flog my toddler and my Sebright flogs everyone!
Luckily they are small and keep low to the ground.

So far the only problems I have had are between my Sebright and d'Uccle cockerels. But the Sebright took the beating and minds his p's and q's for the most part. They will be getting their own pens and runs and girls in the spring.

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