Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

lol I agree, Sylvester. I am falling more and more in love with them. They just about break a leg running to meet me at the gate, whether I'm carrying a feed bucket or not. I had Isbars back when they were facing the same problems from a lack of genetic diversity. But, after a while I was able to get past it. I'm going to have to use what I have to start off with, right? So, I'm going to start with the cleaner colored males with the girls that have gray where they shouldn't and vice versa with grayer/more colored males with the cleaner girls. Even the minor gene shuffling of the wrong color x correct color has shown in the past to make a difference. Maybe akin to line breeding? I still have a while to go before they're ready for that, but that's looking like my best bet. So I'll probably try that first. I'm looking forward to seeing how they are as adults, but so far I'm really liking the breed. : )
From what I understand from someone who had Isbars -- they were facing a zero hatchability problem with the early Isbars. Then Greenfire Farms found a bacterial problem with those first imports so GFF imported a new set of Isbars but by that time the owner from the first batch of imports was too discouraged to try any of the second GFF imports. Genetics and diversity are so important but unfortunately GFF can't afford to go through such an expensive import process to bring in too many of any one breed of chicken and instead have brought in a few chickens of a lot of the rare breeds. You notice that GFF doesn't import common breeds like Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, or Buff Orps! Nope, GFF imports the rare breeds and if no owner expands a breeding project the diversity in the rare breed genetics dwindles.

How heavy do the Nieds get? My understanding is that they get about as big as Alsteirers or Sulmtalers? 6 or 7 lb hens?
What would be great to know is just exactly what breeds of chickens were used to develop the Nieds. Obviously a Barred breed of chicken (possibly a European Malines?) and what other breed(s)? would be good to know to use those same breeds for cross-breeding to infuse diversity and breed back to the USA Nieds for the correction of color, body type, etc. You seem to be pretty up on knowing your genetics from your Isbar experience! GFF still lists Niederrheiner on their breeds list so hopefully they'll hatch some chicks soon.
Sylvester, I really don't know much about genetics. I was fortunate enough to know a few smart people! lol My little Niederrheiners are getting bigger! They're going to be nice sized birds. : ) I'll try to remember to get some pics tomorrow and post them. IF there is anyone that's raising Niederrheiner, how are your birds doing? Any projects? or successes/failures that may be helpful or interesting?
@TheTropix Silly question here but have you contacted/PM'd previous Nied people on this thread? It's hard to believe there aren't still some people with Nieds in their flocks. Even if they aren't breeding they may have a bird or two they could trade with you for breeding diversity. It was a good thing when BYC upgraded the website but I noticed a few regulars dropped off the BYC list not bothering to re-sign up. The transition from the old website to the new frustrated some and they didn't re-sign up. There are some things I still miss about the old website format but we have to keep up with technology LOL!

here's a website that's fairly new and maybe you can post a Nied search/question to see if you can get any response from someone? It's not a link so you'll need to post the URL in your search for it. Hope it helps.
Sylvester, I really don't know much about genetics. I was fortunate enough to know a few smart people! lol My little Niederrheiners are getting bigger! They're going to be nice sized birds. : ) I'll try to remember to get some pics tomorrow and post them. IF there is anyone that's raising Niederrheiner, how are your birds doing? Any projects? or successes/failures that may be helpful or interesting?
Hi DruAnne
That's great! Are your pullets/cockerels chicks from your grown birds? Have you had successful hatches from your own birds? Mine are about 3 months old (got as little chicks in mid-June) How long have you been raising them?

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