Night time roosting


5 Years
Jul 7, 2016
Upper Mount Bethel, PA
It has been very hot up here in PA, and all my chickens want to roost outside in the run. I started putting them in there coops at night. I checked the coop. It wasn't hot. I have the windows and vents open and the coop isn't hot. I even moved their food inside the coop two weeks ago they just go in to eat and nap in the coop, but not to sleep. This has been going on for a month now.

I never put up roosts in the run until they are reliably roosting in the coop to avoid this problem. You might try taking down the roosts in the run for awhile and see if that gets them to move inside. If not you may have to lock them down in the coop for a few days to retrain them
My chickens are dyslexic like their mama. During the day they nap in there coop, and at night they roost out in there run

We have roosting pools inside the cooo


How about a wider shots of your coop/run, showing the whole thing?
What are the dimensions of the coop itself(feet by feet)?
How many birds total do you have and how old are they?
We are building a new coop that will be 8×12 feet

The one they are in now is 4×12 feet. Going to keep this one for sick chickens, broody hen & baby chickens
The coop is 4×4. They are still little ones ages 8 to 12 weeks, except for our rooster. I was told he was 16 weeks, but I'm thinking he's older. He's a Bantam and is the same size of all the other chickens.
We are building a new coop that will be 8×12 feet

The one they are in now is 4×12 feet. Going to keep this one for sick chickens, broody hen & baby chickens
The coop is 4×4. They are still little ones ages 8 to 12 weeks, except for our rooster. I was told he was 16 weeks, but I'm thinking he's older. He's a Bantam and is the same size of all the other chickens.
Still want to see pics to eval ventilation...and how many birds total.
I'm guessing coop is crowded and stuffy...why they roost outside.

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