NN EE cockrel with some of my hens ???


On Vacation
9 Years
Aug 13, 2010
Absarokee, Montana
Okay I have a NN EE cockrel hes going to be a red NN .now and hes only 2 weeks old so its gonna be awhile to be out with the hens lol. Okay here is the question I have hens out there now with no rooster. They are Black stars, red stars, one barred rock, a russian orloff and with him now is a Mottled Australorp pullet and a RIR pullet.
What are the chicks gonna be if i sell them as hatching eggs???
Nacked Neck sorry
You'll will have Naked Neck (aka Turken,s) crosses. Usually the only difference in a pure NN and a cross the cross will usually have more feathers on their necks. Most chicks will most likely look kie NN's.
Selling eggs I would just say Naked Neck or Turken which ever you prefer crossbred eggs for sale. Just my opinion.
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half will have a peacomb and probably blue eggs genes; with the Barred Rock those babies will be sexlink peeps. who is to buy these eggs though?
A very wide mix! Half of chicks will be NN, half not.. half will have the peacomb(does he have that?), half will have single combs, half will have beards, half will not..

If he inherited the O gene(that's the gene for "colored eggs"- either blue, green, olive, etc) with the pea comb gene you can reliably tell which pullets out of him and those hens will turn out to be colored egg layers, you could do OK with calling them easter eggers. If naked neck you could even call them NN EE. As for the rest..... some of the NN chicks will look a lot like hatchery stock turkens, especially those with single combs & out of the RIR, Lorp, Stars, BR.

The chicks from BR hen will be sex linked- black chicks without white head spot are females, with white head spot males. Do need to be sure they weren't Australorp's, as hers will be all black chicks in both sexes.. at the very least you will be able to tell any chick with white head spot are males and out of the BR hen....

edit- whoops, forgot the Orloff hen.. she will throw pea combed chicks, so that one will throw a wrench in using peacomb as reliable indicator of colored egg layers..
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lol man talk about a wold mix of chicks wow. I just might take a couple of the eggs from the hens and see what I get lol boy. Im not sure what kind of comb he'll have its still getting bigger but should be interesting . Ill have to keep taking pictures of them as they grow.

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